Addison Klinke

Results 20 issues of Addison Klinke

First off - I've been thinking of almost the same idea as this library for a while because I see runtime errors from tensor shape/dtype mismatches all the time, so...

Say I create a frame ``` watson start personal +lunch watson stop watson log Wednesday 23 March 2022 (10m 04s) f4beec9 07:27 to 07:38 10m 04s personal [lunch] ``` Now...

The `from_opt()` method of `ImageEncoder` uses `opt.brnn` on [line 63]( which is deprecated according to This means in the im2text [example](, the encoder will be unidirectional even though the...

Following the documentation [example]( for listing available models, I tried `torch.hub.list('pytorch/vision')`, but was met with a `RuntimeError: builtin cannot be used as a value` that appears to originate from the...

# Description Take a boilerplate example from the Django Tables2 [docs]( ```python import django_tables2 as tables from .models import Person class PersonTable(tables.Table): class Meta: model = Person template_name = "django_tables2/bootstrap.html"...

I am looking to entirely suppress output to the console. Based on the documentation, I thought combining flags `-dNq` would achieve this, but information about retained and deleted files (the...

When `builds(..., populate_full_signature=True)` is used on an object that expects recursive instantiation, the example config from a script's `--help` doesn't provide the user with any insight about the nested fields...


**Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe.** It's not uncommon for classification labels to have 100s or more options for certain tasks. In this case, the annotator...


When defining a new schema, is it possible to make a label attribute required? In the sense that an annotator cannot mark a task as complete unless they've specified the...


In a test on the hosted Diffgram site, I created a project and added a webhook workflow. The "when" trigger is set to `task_completed` and "do" points the URL to...