Alex Brant
Alex Brant
Glad people are using them! I plan on updating soon, hopefully I can this weekend.
I've got them working in v0.5.0 now on Windows, you can grab a Windows binary here: If anyone has a Mac dev environment set up , could they do...
Thanks! I've added that to the release. I think this is only the Parable - 'Neil' module though, could you build the non-parasites one as well? (running 'make clean all...
Hi Christoph, That would be great! I'd be very happy if you took a look at it. Thanks, Alex
Parasites has a submodule that is setup to retrieve via SSH. I think it should work if you add you SSH key to your github account,, a workaround would be...
I've re-added the parasites firmware using 'git subtree' instead of 'git submodule' and it seems to be retrieving without any incident now. Once you clone you should just need to...
I just pushed a change that should hopefully fix that casting issue. Let me know if it works for you.
When building the parasites firmware it has different menu name , is there anything under 'Parable Instruments'? If not could you send the output of running 'make run' in Rack?...
Look like its loading ok, very weird. Does the normal 'Joni' version show up when you build it? Also could you attach the compiled mac version? I'll report this on...
Yeah the setup is not ideal at the moment, either plugin relies on a slightly different version of the same general codebase, so building both objects into one binary could...