Can't you do something with history.pushState? Or is that what you were using previously?
That’s nice, and it’ll be an improvement, but it would also be useful to have the full filters available for My Con—day, location, tag, etc. Do you plan to do...
hmm, interesting. i’d’ve read 2(b)’s “defensively” as identical to the definition in 2 as a whole (“in response to a patent litigation threat against the Entity” covers 2(c)), but hey,...
Aaron Davies/Morgan Stanley
`@[x;y;z]` -> `{@[x;y;:;z peach x y]}`
let's try to get kx to include the filename of the function, in the exact form requested (links and all) in the function metadata, as that seems the most general...
Aaron Davies/Morgan Stanley
Aaron Davies/Morgan Stanley
Aaron Davies/Morgan Stanley