Adam Stück

Results 18 comments of Adam Stück

Does it work with [ctpv](

It sounds like xfce4 is unsupported by ueberzug. I would recommend Alacritty as an alternative terminal emulator. > I'm using xfce4-terminal and BSPWM. But I also tried on DWM and...

I changed the key's trust as shown [here]( Now I get these build errors: ==> Making package: ctpv-git r152.2220d63-1 (Tue 05 Jul 2022 13:26:51 IST) ==> Checking runtime dependencies... ==>...

Same issue happens on :file or ^g Would it be possible to get a dynamic cmdheight, so that it is set to 0 when empty, and 1 when there is...

1. I changed DISPLAY in the service like you suggested. Now working fine. 2. Seems like the [aur package]( is out dated? I had to manually edit /usr/bin/betterlockscreen to apply...

Good to hear! I'll get back to you when I've had a chance to check it out.

It seems like issues 1 and 2 still exist but issue 3 is fixed. I'll narrow the problem space down to just my desktop and we can worry about the...

If you meant like this, then here is the output ~  echo 'betterlockscreen --suspend' | bash -x + betterlockscreen --suspend [B] Betterlockscreen [*] Running prelock... [*] Locking screen... [*]...

Update! I looked around a bit more and found this command: xhost + Now `systemctl suspend` locks successfully and DPMS works! Although note that DPMS is still doesn't work with...

> Please change the shebang in "betterlockscreen" (Line 1) to: > > `#!/usr/bin/env -S bash -x` > > run it again and post us the outputs :) Status: ~ ➜...