Adán Toscano
Adán Toscano
They are developing this cms as a plugin at their main monorepo
You have to change that in front-end part. See public folder.
Where do you have botkit deployed? And how are u implementing the client in Mobile?
You have to expose ports that app is using and also take care in you are using secure or not protocol (wss or ws). I can not help you more...
You are trying to send two replies or convos through a webhook On Feb 13, 2018 22:09, "Mohammad S. Jaber" wrote: > Whenever use_sockets is client.js file is disabled, this...
Yup but if you keep socket as true, you can see that you receive two messages cause skills/need_token.js is triggered when it starts. Changing socket to false you're using webhook...
You should create a Card Component for your widget
In this project, public/ folder is for Widget purposes and you're free to customize it. Take a look how quick replies works in public/client.js and try to do the same...
That's maybe harder... Fast way: open link in other tab `
Maybe triggering `dropMessages()` It clears all message list.