> @adaniefei Hi! Have you entered into the root directory? (I meant `cd fairseq`) From the above error, I'm guessing that you are not in the root directory of fairseq....
I believe I have met the identical problem as @Adam-fei described, though my setting is slightly different. Here is a [repository]( including the code (modified on configs/ and data/ as...
> Thanks a lot for reporting this. I have a clarifying question. What fields are you storing in your tfrecord? Please note that `input_feature_name` should match the one that is...
Thanks, @Adam-fei for the confirmation, too. :D And thanks @hassanhub for the reply. Look forward to the new tfrecord version. :D
@hassanhub Thanks for the reply! I have checked and found the other two generating tfrecord scripts work well following the [instruction]( Then to run the [example](, I have to modify...
Hi @jalayrac and @hassanhub, I've pulled the latest commit of dmvr, and I'm able to run the [hmdb example]( now. The only change I have to do locally is to...
Hi @hassanhub @Adam-fei , sorry for the late update. I have tried latest hmdb51 tfrecords with the following cmd for the fine-tune step, and I got a different error here:...
Same issue with win 10 and kinect v2.