Adam Strawson

Results 15 comments of Adam Strawson

@remy If you need a hand setting up SSL, give me a shout - I'll be happy to help.

@rem I'd imagine it would be best to use the startssl cert, as self signed would still show the unverified warning, especially in some older browsers before the rewrite/redirect happens....

Cool, Varnish doesn't work with HTTPS, so you'd just keep that listing on :80, and send anything on :443 to something that can handle HTTPS We had Varnish in our...

Does startssl email you a zip with the keys, or is it downloadable from the website? Either way, could you not `wget` the file directly onto the server?

To add to this @estahn, you're along the right lines with `I assume a race condition with the helm hook`, we were finding errors on the patch job that the...

This isn't a fault with the code, Owen. It sounds like you just have 'short_open_tag = Off' in your php.ini. The default value is On, so it's probably worth checking...

Is it possible to get this over the finish line, looks like it's ready to go now? We have a requirement in our implementation for this.

Can I make a minor request to this MR please @naturalett ? Rather than `{{- if .Values.secrets }}` can we make this something like `{{- if or .Values.secrets .Values.externalSecret}}`, and...

Has there been any further progress on this? Looking to include the same behaviour in some other charts, and waiting for this to be completed so I can follow the...

If there's been a recently update, do the RBAC resources for `hydra-maester` still exist and look correct against the chart template? My feeling is that it's not able to patch...