Adam Stacoviak

Results 9 comments of Adam Stacoviak

Word. Hopefully soon, I'd like to include this in a post on The Changelog for learning Go.

We'll support RSS in the future, just not sure when -- but we do plan to support it.

Cool, I only set this for launch to fix that one. The bug fix can wait for sure.

Good thinking. This certainly happens @joebew42. My gut says don't block the creation of episodes.

They might in the future, but @jerodsanto may have more clarity on these details. Here's what I know... Right now, a 60 minute recording time estimates 90 minutes all in....

We'll have to defer to @jerodsanto on this one. He'll be back around on Monday.

Sorry I'm late to respond, but if you fork it and add it I'll get it in there.

@strarsis thanks! Fork it and make it happen :100:

I have not come across this issue. Can you tell me what you did so I can reproduce?