Adam Wierchoła

Results 11 comments of Adam Wierchoła

I'm curious what's the general idea on how to approach adding these new modes. Would all/some of these number types be supported within a single calculation? Or would this be...

I've actually had a test case where I wanted to send already compiled instructions over the network and [ended up implementing this](, pulling in `serde` and placing a few `derive`s...

From what I've seen in terms of performance, doing some *very* preliminary benchmarks, deserializing a compiled `Instruction` + `Slab` on the receiver side appears to be faster. Of course this...

Of course by saying it's faster I only mean the receiver side, not the combined sender and receiver. Main idea here being that a sender only has to serialize once,...

I've had a go at this recently, using `num-traits` to create a more generic representation of the float to support both `f32` or `f64`. Let me know if this is...

Added experimental version of this in `v0.2.0` with `--pipe` option. Only works with simple 2d coordinates, e.g. `0.4,0.6`. Not sure about converting latlong coordinates to 2d coordinates.

@LouSkunt nope. I'm open to PRs though if you want to take a stab at it.

Hey! Not sure what you mean there. This project doesn't use `ncurses`, it uses [`crossterm`]( instead. In terms of graceful exit, it's hard to tell what's the issue there. For...

Does `Ctrl-C` end up producing the same result as exiting by pressing any character key?

I'm unable to replicate on any of my machines, tried different terminals and older rust versions.