Adam Skwersky
Adam Skwersky
I want to set a fixed height and width for the combined quill DOM (toolbar and editor) The reason for that is because our application uses customer defined UIs, and...
Can't test out react-trello in a sandbox **To Reproduce** 1) 2) in Basic Demo, click "Edit on CodeSandBox" **Expected behavior** I expected it to load the sandbox and show...
Here is my sandbox]( To reproduce, Type anything in the editor, then click 'make read only'. Notice the editor disappears completely from the DOM. Clicking again to make it...
The code seems to run fine with React ^16.14 (using npm 6.x which is lax on peer dependencies) Can we change the package.json to only require React4 ^16.14 instead of...
Note, I am opening a new ticket because the old one was closed. [3469]( ) When setting Quill bounds, editor still extends past the bottom. This is because the editor...
See codepen **Steps for Reproduction** 1. Visit [codepen]( 2. Run the codepen, and quill starts in editable mode. Import an XSS file with a tag that opens an alert,...
What should happen when the user passes in a command that doesn't exist? The old commander fired an "\*" action. But the new commander fires "command:*". So autocmdr doesn't catch...