Adam Shin
Adam Shin
Thanks for your time putting this together. I'm wondering if this is enough of a general-purpose feature to merge into the master branch. It seems like a somewhat niche use...
Thanks for the tip, I'll take a look at that.
@ay8s Spent some time debugging this today -- unfortunately, it appears to be a UIKit issue. 😞 Calling `insertRows(at:with:)` or `deleteRows(at:with:)` on a table view with dynamically-sized cells causes the...
That's a good question. I think you'd have to make some substantial changes to the reordering logic. Currently the code is only looking for a new "destination row" as you...
You're right, there is a blank spacer cell inserted in the tableview beneath the location you're dragging. I don't think you'd want to remove that spacer when hovering over another...
No problem! Let me know if you're able to get it working.
Are you updating your data model in `tableView(_:UITableView, reorderRowAt:IndexPath, to:IndexPath)`? A couple other people had this issue recently – I left a comment [here]( explaining how to resolve it.
Hmm.. I don't know if there's a simple solution here. Both the reorder action and the context menu are triggered by a long press gesture, so even if you adjusted...
Yeah – for most people implementing drag-and-drop today, the built in APIs are probably a better place to start. I think this library still provides useful functionality, especially if you...
I haven't tried the sample yet – I'll check it out tomorrow. Thanks for your time and effort on this.