Adam Rush

Results 13 comments of Adam Rush

If you just want to get the `SamAccountName` and `MemberOf` user properties, this should work for you: ``` $additionalUserProperties = 'MemberOf' $adUsers = Get-ADUser -Filter * -Properties $additionalUserProperties $adUsers |...

Oh I see. Can you share your example code you have so far? If not, can you share your pseudo-code?

Also observed the `default_secret_name` and the existing secret were out of sync, and kept making new secrets on each `apply`. To fix I did the following steps (no terraform state...

> Adding to the list, patching `argocd-cm` ConfigMap to add a private repository. I bootstrap AKS+ArgoCD and I'd like to use a private repos for the apps. I've got a...

I had issues with the `netbox` and `netbox-worker` pods, but adding these affinity rules to `values.yaml` ensured they both started on the same node: ```yaml affinity: podAffinity: requiredDuringSchedulingIgnoredDuringExecution: - topologyKey:...

> did you need netbox and the worker to be on the same node? yes, as they share a common volume. I expect this will be the case with the...

I was about to raise this myself. I do quite like seeing the diff between releases to see the exact changes, but it would also be nice to see a...

> Thanks again for this PR @kschu91. We've chatted internally and we should be able to backport this to v1.3 so this will hopefully make it out in the next...

Thought I'd share a blog post with example code of this working:

I was about to log this issue, so I'm glad to find it's already being looked at :)