I ran into this same problem and found other unresolved citations elsewhere. I suspect the issue is related to [this catchall logic branch]( in the driver used for the CYW43...
> I have tried to clone micropython and see if I could find the code you mention, but the repo does not contain this particular file I should have mentioned...
I was able to build micropython by fixing a missing time.h import in the SSL submodule (different issues). I also can’t get it to work by just removing that return...
Technically this is a problem with the driver that Raspberry Pi has licensed from the manufacturer of the wifi chip. It's doubtful that the MicroPython team have the expertise needed...
Since there is no way to hook into either ASL or OSLog, the best we can do is to set the logging block as state on a TrustKit instance. That...
I wandered over here to make a similar comment. Totally agree that spinning a global runloop is bad for business. I was going to suggest an owned dispatch queue, but...
@acmacalister It's not really about the lifetime of the task and I doubt you'll find it written as such. The underlying concern is that GCD is a magical box that...
@snej What about something like... ``` CFDataRef writeSocketData = CFWriteStreamCopyProperty(stream, kCFStreamPropertySocketNativeHandle); CFSocketNativeHandle writeHandle; CFDataGetBytes(writeSocketData, CFRangeMake(0, sizeof(CFSocketNativeHandle)), (UInt8*)&writeHandle); dispatch_io_t writeIo = dispatch_io_create(DISPATCH_IO_STREAM, (int)writeHandle, (__bridge dispatch_queue_t)clientCallBackInfo, ^(int error) { // }); ```...
:astonished: I noticed those properties and but nothing clicked in my head, nice find!