Adam Wieckowski
Adam Wieckowski
Our choice to set one or the other CTU size is mostly motivated in Pareto-Set optimization of the option space (see Brandenburg et al in MMSP'21), for HD and UHD...
Interesting. CTU32 is faster because of smaller search space, but for your command also because of the improved multi-threading, this explains the very high differences. To have a proper comparison...
Short answer: Not really, no. Long answer: not when processing multiple frames in parallel. You could set `MaxParallelFrames=1` and than it should work, but it would harm the parallel performance...
Sure thing. Actually, I was corrected by my colleagues. The `ALFTempPred` functionality is not possible as it is, i.e. predicting from the same temporal layer (TL), but we might one...
The issue has a workaround solution in current master (but not yet in v1.6.0). We will have look into a proper fix at some point.
Hey. No, it would be a lot of work and basically require rewriting or at least templating all of our SIMD code, and adding type-independent stride into all of the...
Of course not. VVdeC is BSD-style open source. As long as you reference the original authors you can do whatever. If you wanted to push the code to our upstream...
Interesting. I see it is based on a rather old version (around, right?). In 1.3.0 we moved some buffers from per-frame allocation to per-picture-decoder (2x), saving around 2/3 of...
Closing for now, as not really actionable. This is more informative.
Closing, since no feedback.