Adam Haile

Results 64 comments of Adam Haile

Counter-proposal: instead of trying to define the impossible (and inflammatory), like what's a hack / dirty / cheating etc, solve the problem from the other side by reporting results to...

> @adamhaile You're certainly right about the precision and I really considered reducing precision but wouldn't the necessary rounding make the ranking quite unstable? (like dominator 1.24 => 1.2, domvm...

Hey Ryan, slow response, even for me :(. Start-up ended up not working out, now on some intense contracting work trying to build back. Such is life. On your examples...

Shoot, I had started writing you a longer reply yesterday, but I must have closed that tab or something because it's gone :(. So this may be a little shorter....

First, congrats on reading the S source well enough to figure out how to extend it! I need to add some comments there ... I've usually handled Promises via the...

Yeah, your second example is exactly what I'd recommend. I tell people that there are two kinds of scenarios where we might want to set signals inside computations. One is...

Ah-hah, that's a bug in S.subclock(). Specifically, when creating a subclock from top level, if the code running in the subclock sets a data signal in an outer clock, that...

The piped-into data needs to be in the subclock for it to appear synchronous to top-level code. It's not possible to pipe into a top-level data signal synchronously b/c that...

So just flip the signs of `1` and `-1` and it's all good, right? 😆 The `data()` mixin attaches to the `change` event too, so in your code above, it...