Hi, I just started getting socket hangup too... wondering if you solved this... my system just started producing this on Friday and I had not changed the code Wednesday... so...
@raix wondering if you've experienced anything similar. Again, seems like everything has been working for ages... not Push seems to be broken. Any thoughts welcome?
Ok, so looks like I found my issue ... the certificate had expired... phew no warning form Apple and I thought I'd checked/renewed. I could not even find my certs...
@raix anyway not to take the whole server down if a certificate expires? Maybe use `try/catch` I have not looked at the code or if this was even possible yet.....
I was meaning a way that does not crash the whole server, if there's something wrong with the certificates.
Can you add your config here pls. Are you using dev or production certificates?
Thanks. And the last few lines of the `openssl` call. I'm just confirming that your certificates are correct. I had the issue as one of mine had expired. I also...
OK, that looks good. When you run that command, does it prompt you for the passcode before running.. something like `Enter pass phrase for pushKey.pem:` and double checking that's the...
mmm so that sound like you have it all configured and perhaps is a DigitalOcean/entrust_2048_ca.cer config thing. Do you have SSL enabled on your server? I'm using Galaxy and imported...
It's been a while since I setup on Galaxy, but I remember i had to combine/concat a bunch of certs and then upload that certificate to the Galaxy config. It's...