Adam Cunnington
Adam Cunnington
No. Not at all. The local version label is the bit after the + For example, in the following version string, `` `` is the local version label `` need...
@Woile thanks for the response. Sort of but 2 things to clarify: 1) I see this pertaining to the local version portion only (everything after the +. I'm not quite...
@Woile what do you think? what are the next steps?
Sure, I think so.
@Lee-W grateful for just your quick top-of-the-head thoughts here. Essentially: - Can you confirm my understanding is correct. - Can you indicate how willing you would be to support this?
Not really, no. #150 is about a specific scenario in which the tool can't bump. This issue is about supporting explicit manual bumping - i.e. not relying on any auto-bumping...
Thanks. To your last point, you are right, #150 does relate to that. I answered my own question there though - I tried to see if I could bump a...
I assume that is directed to @Woile or @Lee-W but this sounds pretty trivial... adding a parameter to the cli handler, and then passing the value to whatever function does...
@Woile @Lee-W I guess @manang is waiting for a response here (assuming they are still interested in contributing this).
@manang not sure what you're talking about there - has nothing to do with this feature. This feature is about allowing a user to explicitly manually bump a version using...