Adam Cunnington
Adam Cunnington
Can someone comment on whether the understanding of current limitation here is correct? To provide a concrete example, just today, I was trying to disable vulture, only, for 1 file,...
bump (from 21 days ago)
@JamesALeedham thanks so much, I'd appreciate that enormously.
Yes please!
I stumbled across the same thing. It's silly that the checkout value persisted in cruft.json is not implicitly used. What is stopping this being fixed? It's quite an old issue...
@bhadreshpsavani what capacity are you asking me this in? I am not a maintainer of this project - if you are volunteering to raise a PR, please go ahead, that...
@bhadreshpsavani ?
@bhadreshpsavani please be aware of the history/issue someone else encountered when trying to implement this [here]( - this PR description is good; it describes the change they backed out and...
In the meantime, the workaround for this is to do something like this: `cruft create --overwrite-if-exists --output-dir=.. --extra-content="{\"project_name\": \"$(basename $PWD)\"}" ...` P.s. overwrite-if-exists won't delete any additional files/folders - it...