Adam Calabrigo
Adam Calabrigo
# Summary Adds sensor support for UCD90320 and corrects the names of two existing temp sensors to follow the convention used by the other temp sensors. Note that this is...
# Summary Adds two devices (new to P2) to platform_manager.json then updates sensor_service.json to track the new sensors. Also adds `initRegSettings` for temperature sensor devices to override default hardware thresholds....
# Summary For Meru800bia platform, adds LED/FRU configs in `led_manager.json`. Also updates `platform_manager.json` to provide a unique `ledId` to each status LED. # Testing Verified that `data_corral_service` loads correctly on...
# Summary For Meru800bfa platform, adds LED/FRU configs in `led_manager.json`. Also updates `platform_manager.json` to provide a unique `ledId` to each status LED. # Testing Verified that `data_corral_service` loads correctly on...
Adds initial data_corral_service implementation for Meru800bia. Changes: - Move DarwinLedColor definition to data_corral_service/ChassisManager.h ChassisLedColor enum so that LED color enums can be shared across platforms using the same namespace. -...