Adam Beguelin
Adam Beguelin
Thanks! I did copy the toml and it still gives me a blank page. I noticed in the example site there is a content/ and if I copy that it...
Actually, the exampleSite has a couple pages like content/articles/ but when I run hugo there with the gohugo-amp theme those pages don't seem to get generated either. > $ find...
> ^ my fix wasn't a good one. There is definitely some combination of things that results in hugo producing non-deterministic results. I was able to get something to work...
Pretty sure firestore-react can only use one collection. Looking into which seems a bit more flexible but similar.
As of beta 6 it must be written infix operator *\* {}
Since I'm using and internal server and it uses as its upstream server, should I add this ip to the bypass?
That helped, I'm still seeing connection reset about every 5 minutes. Is that normal? Is there a way to figure out why this is happening?
root@OpenMPTCProuter:~# ss -s Total: 532 TCP: 1056 (estab 649, closed 538, orphaned 0, timewait 387) Transport Total IP IPv6 RAW 4 2 2 UDP 16 11 5 TCP 518 434...