Adam Gee
Adam Gee
Yes me too. Vertical track gets a display: none, and thumb doesn't even get a calculated height.
I am too. But I have the provider in a layout file wrapping my pages rather than the whole app since I'm using gatsby. I get the error `react-locomotive-scroll: the...
Hi, I was having issues with this as well. I was adding the provider on a layout component, however what we should be doing for Gatsby is adding it on...
Having trouble getting browser sync for me. Is my shopify site supposed to be injected automatically with the browser-sync js?
One of my sites is having issues with the page_views only firing on first page load. On subsequent route changes nothing shows up in tagassistant debug mode. I wonder if...
Just an update, found this issue on another plugin The solution worked, we need to set swcMinify to false.
Thanks for the response. What was happening for me, when setting the offset to say 10000ms, it would start the lines at [00:10.61] and ignore all the lines before it....
Upon further observation it's when the chrome browser ui is hidden and the next page is shorter. You scroll a bit up to make the UI appear and it is...
Hi, Unfortunately my e-commerce site is still in development, but I was able to recreate the issue on some of your e-commerce work. Please see the following video capture: