
Results 46 comments of adam-antonik

Ah, I see. This would probably be a good thing to add to the main readme under "Directions"

> I am sorry if the `Unqualifier` business in C++ really did upset you. I'm not being serious. Unqualifiers are great, I use one as a type provider for sql...

> > Let's now do something with the ExprPtr representation of a type, and write recordHeadLabel > > // hide any fields that aren't the head, and rename the head...

> Oh I see, that's awesome! Yeah it should only need to compile and run once then, and maybe we turn down back-end optimizations a little (if the LLVM step...

BTW, I'm sorry but it is 9pm here on a Friday, I'm not going to fix the build now. I hope you can try out whatever the nix version is,...

Just for fun, here's an example using this that isn't just a re-implementation of existing c++ code. This is a very simple printf type thing, where we use a quotedd...

> a hard time understanding "what happens when" > where named arguments could be implicitly quoted ;) I don't think that's going to help matters. I see that quotes were...

> That's good to hear, maybe the quote syntax is helpful as a visual cue that this part happens at an earlier stage. > > This is a really good...

I do get what you say though, for instance loooking over an array and pushing elements onto such a static array does not work, let alone if we did pushed...

> > printf(`"Hello %s %d!"`, ("World", 3)) > > Trying this example with an LLVM 3.5 debug mode build on macOS, for some reason the process hangs and eventually gets...