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Arduino library and example code for the 16x32 RGB matrix panels in the shop
Please let me know how can I use this lib for Daisy chained Panels( HUB75 P10x4)
Hi im use arduino mega2560 and two 64x32 16s. all good fore one panel but when add new pane as series all of screen one showing on screen two. i...
hi i showing time on pnel. i want update panel every secund but panel is flashing. how update or use command for showing time??? if do not refresh panels numbers...
- Arduino board: Arduino Due - Arduino IDE version 1.8.19 - Please add support for Arduino Due
Please tell me how using your library (scrolltext_16x32) you can reduce the speed of text scrolling?
Hey, working on a PCB to drive my matrix and wanted to reduce from a 2560 to [ATmega644A](https://ww1.microchip.com/downloads/aemDocuments/documents/MCU08/ProductDocuments/DataSheets/ATmega164A_PA-324A_PA-644A_PA-1284_P_Data-Sheet-40002070B.pdf). I'll submit a pull request, I just wanted to make sure I'm...
The README says that the code is under a BSD license. Which one, there are several variants. Can you add the license as a `LICENSE` file?
Hello, On ESP32, impossible to access SPIFFS when the RGBmatrixPanelGP library is used. Could you explain why? Thanks.
https://github.com/adafruit/RGB-matrix-Panel/pull/62 mentions a new driver I just wrote. http://marc.merlins.org/perso/arduino/post_2020-01-01_Running-FastLED_-Adafruit_GFX_-and-LEDMatrix-code-on-High-Resolution-RGBPanels-with-a-Raspberry-Pi.html explains the new solution in https://github.com/marcmerlin/ArduinoOnPc-FastLED-GFX-LEDMatrix This solution allows you to build arduino code so that it works on linux and...
We have an Arduino mega that works with a rgb pannel 64x32 D1.0 version. But now we have bought a new panel that is version HL1.0 and the system stop...