RGB-matrix-Panel copied to clipboard
Mention another alternate driver for RGBPanels with Adafruit::GFX support and up to at least 256x256, includes unsupported panels like AB/AC and FM6126A
https://github.com/adafruit/RGB-matrix-Panel/pull/62 mentions a new driver I just wrote.
http://marc.merlins.org/perso/arduino/post_2020-01-01_Running-FastLED_-Adafruit_GFX_-and-LEDMatrix-code-on-High-Resolution-RGBPanels-with-a-Raspberry-Pi.html explains the new solution in https://github.com/marcmerlin/ArduinoOnPc-FastLED-GFX-LEDMatrix
This solution allows you to build arduino code so that it works on linux and uses these layers:
- https://github.com/marcmerlin/ArduinoOnPc-FastLED-GFX-LEDMatrix
- https://github.com/marcmerlin/Framebuffer_GFX is the base arduino framebuffer that also supports more 2D arduino code in addition to Adafruit::GFX
- https://github.com/marcmerlin/FastLED_RPIRGBPanel_GFX is the driver that bridges that framebuffer and the APIs it supports (FastLED, Adafruit::GFX, and LEDMatrix), with rpi-rgb-led-matrix for display