Adafruit_Floppy copied to clipboard
Hi, i have issue with Adafruit_Floppy (Raspberry Pi Pico RP2040 (philhower core)), using Greaseweazle. When i try to read ibm.1440 (gw read test.img --device=com14 --format=ibm.1440), floppy drive goes to green...
Hello! I hope i didn't miss that information, but which version of original Greaseweasle FW is current 0.3 Adafruit_Floppy compatible with or is aiming to be compatible with? I am...
There are people in the world that would like to have this available to pull their arrangements off of Roland's proprietary floppies. I have the schematics and pin outs. It...
Thank you for opening an issue on an Adafruit Arduino library repository. To improve the speed of resolution please review the following guidelines and common troubleshooting steps below before creating...
It appears that specialty operations, such as using g64conv to convert the second side of a flippy disk from a two-sided .scp of the disk taken from the top side,... On top of the basic drive I/O routines it might be useful to implement littlefs, a filesystem made for microcontrollers. AFAIK all you need to do to port...
Thank you for making this. Will you emulate a floppy drive too? I have an old Korg N364 synthesizer with a broken drive. Would be nice to mount a Pico...
The density pin is used differently depending on the manufacturer, some use it as an output to signal the media type (mostly teac drives) some use it as an input...
I saw the video on the playlist describing how this firmware can be used with the pi pico however setting this up with this device is very minimal. ( The...