Nico Tilda
Nico Tilda
This is not working with ndk 11c/ android sdk 24.4.1_1 the ANDROID_TOOLCHAIN variable remains empty so the build fails. Compiling... ../util/domd: line 26: arm-linux-androideabi-gcc: command not found make[1]: **\* [local_depend]...
I m looking for a mongo webui and found your module. looks promising. I cannot see any button to create collection or document inside a collection. is there something I...
I'm trying this great work to generate music from other midi files but there is some kinda "magic" parts in the file for me. some code parts use magic...
Hi, I m trying to run the script with tensorflow 0.10 the execution abort due to the following error File ".../tensorflow/TensorFlow-Tutorials-for-Time-Series-master/", line 117, in _lstm_model output, layers = tf.nn.rnn(stacked_lstm,...
I'm using vue-monaco together with the webpack plugin , and I want to add synthax checking for yaml. I found a monaco-yaml module for this, but I m a bit...
I cannot find any way to use pino elastic search with AWS IAM authetication, would be nice to support this, to avoid putting static credentials in chef recipies.
Would be nice to have some parsing example , I suppose if I have an object containing a string with "route" key I can get the data like this: msg["route"].string_value()...
Hi, Sorry to post this as an issue but is this plugin suitable for DayDream VR stuff ? looks like an app id from google play games is mandatory but...
uWebSockets node.js binding return this ip as an ipv6 ::ffff: looks valid as i m able to find it, but it throws an Invalid adress error. is it the normal...
bug fixes