Alex Lee
Alex Lee
A workaround can be found by @matthewjumpsoffbuildings in their comment [here]( My tweak of their workaround is the following: ```ts if (!process.stderr.isTTY) { const tty = ttyStream.WriteStream.prototype; Object.keys(tty).forEach((key) => {...
I'm having the same issue. I don't seem to have a `~/.bashrc` or a `~/.bash_profile`. Just a `~/.bash_history` and `~/.bash_sessions`. Is there a way I can export something somewhere? Should...
Thanks @pitops , that worked. Good simple fix.
Damn Guppy is pretty cool now that I can use it!
Yeah, you might be right about it being more complicated. Right now I just have the height to some ridiculous number, so that I can just go and crop it...