Scott Willeke

Results 68 comments of Scott Willeke

Thanks for reporting this! I'll take a look. I'm swamped with work stuff now and I have to do some setup to get my windows VMs running again so I'm...

Thanks for the ping! Unfortunately I did not. I'll try to get back to this and investigate sometime this week. I do have a windows vm setup for lessmsi dev...

@ysb33r Seems to be working for me. I ran this: C:\Users\scott\Downloads>.\lessmsi-v1.7.0\lessmsi.exe x node-v6.2.0-x64.msi node-from-cli\ Stdout output was: ``` Extracting 'C:\Users\scott\Downloads\node-v6.2.0-x64.msi' to 'C:\Users\scott\Downloads\node-from-cli\'. 1/3827 npm-star.html 2/3827 is-implemented.js 3/3827 shrinkwrap-empty-deps.js ... 3825/3827...

@learn-more if you want to reopen this feel free or let me know if you cannot. The filegrid has a search behavior (you have to enter characters while it has...

Thanks @xRageHead. Do you have the msi file so we can test by chance?

@msitekkie Thank you for the suggestion! More than happy to consider it. Can you give a specific example of what you're trying to accomplish by "extract registry"? What registry entries...

@jjurkus thanks for the feedback. **ALL**: Would love to accept a pull request for this!

@jjurkus , @msitekkie It would be great if you could link to some msi files that have registry changes that you'd like to be able to extract to .reg files....

Hi @csjjpm Can you please specify the exact settings you want? I suspect most of these are available in the various tables in the "Table View" tab. For example, the...

@TheBudman Thank you for leaving your feedback. I really appreciate it! I'll try to find some time to take a look at this over the holidays. Of course, we welcome...