David Lorenz
David Lorenz
You'll find easy reproduction steps in the README file of https://github.com/activenode-bugs/uiw-react-textarea-code-editor-jest
Thanks for clarifying the difference. Can you imagine why the error of `import` appears even though `commonjs` shouldn't lead to that? Like this is really confusing. I've tried it in...
I get that. But many people that use react also use `jest`. And since `jest` does not natively support `ESM` modules (only very experimental support) it leads to problems when...
Okay so `rehype` package only contains `ESM` and that is why your library (which has `rehype` as dependency) will not work in this context as `rehype` doesn't have the `cjs`...
The official documentation confirms that https://www.npmjs.com/package/rehype#compatibility Which implies your package essentially can only support ESM as it depends on `rehype`. Your CJS version essentially mixes with `ESM`
So I can see 3 possible options here: 1. Remove CJS support in your library (as it won't work together with rehype) 2. Pre-compile rehype with the CJS version for...
Thanks for the hints.
Thank you, I will look into the suggestions.
Are you really sure that the given test is correct? Why should the Polyfill according to the Specs deliver something else than the Spec given one?
@andyearnshaw Can you please check this commit?