Antoine Petit
Antoine Petit
Hey, This is the kind of system I tested my adaptive integrator on so I can provide you a bit of feedback here. The main sources of large energy error...
I was not thinking about collision regularization but a regularization at the pericentre. In my paper that is the section 6, inspired by this work . The problem is...
Maybe an idea would be to switch to IAS15 whenever a planet enters the region where the pericentre passage cannot be resolved? I just fear that someone may as well...
@dmhernan : Thanks for the paper, I believe I never looked at the details they discuss. So if I understand correctly the pericentre problem in the WH splitting mostly comes...
I don't think there is a problem here. This is the same idea that when you need to write the EOM of a test particle from the planetary Hamiltonian. Formally,...
Hi, jumping on this issue. I agree that both systems are just similar up to a rotation, however, the quantity that you plot (i1+i3) is not the planets mutual inclinations...
> The mutual inclination should be invariant of whatever coordinate system you use to calculate it. Yes but if you are not in the invariant reference frame, the mutual inclination...
No. Your invariant plane is slightly inclined in both cases with respect to the xy plane. You should also account for the change of Omega 1 and 2 during the...