Albert Coronado
Albert Coronado
Hi, In order to solve this bug I created my own async and cost calculator 'handler'(require tiktoken dependency): ``` from langchain.callbacks.base import AsyncCallbackHandler from langchain.schema import LLMResult from typing import...
I have no idea Michal! I know noone from the project, my contribution it was only as an user
Hi, In order to solve this bug I created my own async and cost calculator 'handler'(require tiktoken dependency): ``` from langchain.callbacks.base import AsyncCallbackHandler from langchain.schema import LLMResult from typing import...
Ups! solved. I edited the comment now all references to 'tocken_cost_process' are 'token_cost_process'. It was an erratum because my version of the class is not exactly the same
Hi Manuel, I'm using it with FastAPI. Just modify the 'print( token )' for print to a websocket.
Sorry Manuel, It was a misunderstood.