Ana Ordonez
Ana Ordonez
I tried out the monsoon_wang and enso drivers with the new changes. They don't include the YAML or scripts by default. The enso flag worked fine with monsoon_wang.
@lee1043 I don't think we've implemented the "cmec" flag with enso driver - I get an "unrecognized argument" error when I add it in, and I don't see it in...
@lee1043 Oh I see, my brain kept skipping over my own typo! Yes, the cmec flag.
Here are some ipython snippets showing the testing I've done. **Setup in ipython** ``` import cdms2 filename="/p/user_pub/PCMDIobs/obs4MIPs_clims/hus/ERA-INT/v20210804/","r") ``` **Numpy = 1.22.4 environment, slicing works as expected but with future...
Related to
This issue is temporarily resolved by pinning numpy < 1.23.0 in meta.yaml on the pcmdi_metrics conda feedstock.
@msahn I've also gotten this error for a model dataset. Is it a calendar issue? Edit: This is also for the "day" frequency. The driver has been working for me...
Thanks @msahn. As far as I know it should be complete, but I'll try running it without the last year and let you know if that works.
@msahn Here's the whole log: ``` (pcmdi_metrics) aordonez@perlmutter:login23:~/pmp_param> -p /global/homes/a/aordonez/pmp_param/ [1950, 2014] 3650 1825 /pscratch/sd/a/aordonez/pmp_data/variability_modes/downscaled/LOCA2/ACCESS-CM2/r1i1p1f1/historical/ /pscratch/sd/a/aordonez/pmp_data/variability_modes/downscaled/LOCA2/ACCESS-CM2/r1i1p1f1/historical/ /pscratch/sd/a/aordonez/pmp_data/variability_modes/downscaled/LOCA2/ACCESS-CM2/r1i1p1f1/historical/ ['/global/homes/a/aordonez/pmp_param/'] ACCESS-CM2.r1i1p1f1 ['/global/homes/a/aordonez/pmp_param/'] ACCESS-CM2.r1i1p1f1 standard syr, eyr: 1950 2014 1950...
@msahn Those code changes fixed this issue for me. Thanks for your help