Arcadie Condrat

Results 10 comments of Arcadie Condrat

>I have seen many exporters for NSQ for prometheus, which ones do you guys use currently? : Was looking for the same thing and ended up using the [statsd integration](

Hey @PierreBart , Thanks for your investigation! I seem to be running into a similar issue migrating from some old client-side apply to Flux. Adding the `handover-to-hpa` fields manager helped...

This is so inconvenient! How can it be ignored for so long?

I noticed that unsetting a default chart value does now work when using `valuesFiles`. ``` valuesFiles: - charts/mychart/values.yaml - charts/mychart/overrides/test.yaml ``` A regular `helm upgrade --install mychart . -f overrides/test.yaml`...

Hi, Is there any workaround for this issue? I can reproduce it 100% of time. Thanks

Please find my setup bellow. I was having the duplicates panic issues with ``. All other prefixes seem fine. ``` spec: containers: - command: - stackdriver_exporter env: - name: STACKDRIVER_EXPORTER_MONITORING_METRICS_TYPE_PREFIXES...

I think this is already supported with the http_client_config. Look at the example provided in I needed something similar in a Kubernetes environment and my config looks like ```...

> Custom response headers can now be configured using the BackendConfig CRD. This feature is available in new GKE 1.25+ clusters. > > dup #1106 Great news! Could you please...

We have the same problem on GCP. I wonder if it is possible to have a `livenessProbe` on the workers that would terminate the Pod if it lost connection to...

I am testing out a potential workaround for this problem by making supervisord keep retrying to start the worker process in the event of a failure. It has this configuration...