Proposal to add Change calendar icon to indicate today's the day to to the site. **Feature Name** Change calendar icon to indicate today's the day **Functionality** Date default displays with...
Proposal to add captcha to to the site. **Feature Name** Add captcha: **Functionality** **Notes**
Proposal to add wish curation report to to the site. **Feature Name** wish curation report **Functionality** Be able to export the wish curation list to CSV file Essential: get the...
Proposal to add updating sponsor management to to the site. **Feature Name** Sponsor update **Functionality** update sponsor data to accurately fulfill wishes This includes creating the API This issue is...
Proposal to add [FEATURE] to to the site. **Feature Name** Logout **Functionality** Currently, I am prompted for a login but I do not see a way to log out. **Notes**...
Proposal to add indicate missing data to to the site. **Feature Name** indicate missing data **Functionality** indicate missing data like Sponsor, etc. exclamation on calendar icon (see attached designs) **Notes**
Proposal to add order wishes by date to to the site. **Feature Name** order wishes by date **Functionality** order wishes chronologically in the wish curation list **Notes** I think it...
Proposal to add Sponsor management to to the site. **Feature Name** Sponsor management **Functionality** Keep track of sponsors who fulfill wishes Should be able to add a sponsor from the...
Proposal to add [FEATURE] to to the site. **Feature Name** **Functionality** **Notes**
Proposal to add assign sponsor to to the site. **Feature Name** Assign sponsor **Functionality** Assign sponsor to fulfill wish View list of available sponsors Also reassign This includes creating the...