Akshay L Chandra
Akshay L Chandra
This deep learning application can detect Facial Keypoints (15 unique points). They mark important areas of the face - the eyes, corners of the mouth, the nose, etc.
This easy-to-use library is a data transformer sometimes useful in Object Detection and Segmentation tasks. With only a few lines of code, one can slice images and their bounding box annotations into...
A PyTorch toolkit with 8 popular deep active learning query methods implemented.
This Python application uses OpenCV library to track an object-of-interest (water bottle cap in my case) and uses the detected object to draw colored lines (Blue, Green, Red and Yellow).
This python application recognizes alphabet from real time webcam data. The user is allowed to write the alphabet on the screen using an object-of-interest (a water bottle cap in this case).
This python application recognizes digits from real time webcam data. The user is allowed to write the digits on the screen using an object-of-interest (a water bottle cap in this case).
This repo hold the code of a simple, fun game built using Affectiva's Emotion-as-a-Service API. An Emoji is shown on the screen and one has to mimic the emoji to score points.
This repo contains study materials, lab records, previous year assignments and question papers, term end exam form, assignment instructions, percentage calculator etc. of the 1-year programme PGDAST,...
A PyTorch implementation of "WCSAC: Worst-Case Soft Actor Critic for Safety-Constrained Reinforcement Learning"
This HCI (Human-Computer Interaction) application in Python(3.6) will allow you to control your mouse cursor with your facial movements, works with just your regular webcam. Its hands-free, no wearabl...