Anselme Chorein

Results 16 comments of Anselme Chorein

Tu as des retours analytics pour savoir quelles sont les techno recherchés sur le site ? de mon côté j'ai rajouté ruby et ror (#206) m'ai j'aurai bien rajouté aussi...

oui je suis d'accord, soit un scroll up auto, soit l’implémenter correctement. Concrétiser le poc serait mieux, donc : - ne pas avoir à créer une page à la main...

je dirais uniquement sur la page profil pour ma part

just found a workaround for iOS in this issue For android the tricks for `kotlinVersion` can be directly added to `expo-build-properties` plugins options, ~~but not work in SDK 49...

Just got a working example with expo 47 and RN 0.70.8 here

@indapublic i had the same problem since xcode 14.3 upgrade. I finally got a solution thanks to @timedtext great work on his [plugin]( with a little patch i got `react-native-receive-sharing-intent`...

Just use presentation `containedModal` instead of `modal` in the group stack presentation (React Navigation v6) ```js ```

same problem here (expo 48, RN 0.71.4, newArch, reanimated3), maybe related to something like

dmg file is quite old, built for "Snow Leopard" a fresh one for "Big Sur" would be nice, but seem to need some work to update dependancies.

I use Y′CBCR representation of the colors, and hide message with LSB on Y'. This 16 pixels by 16 pixels in order to keep information after JPEG compression.