AC Gaudette

Results 12 issues of AC Gaudette

``` DEBUG_REPORT: [ UNASSIGNED-CoreValidation-Shader-InconsistentSpirv ] Object: VK_NULL_HANDLE (Type = 0) | SPIR-V module not valid: Structure id 27 decorated as Block must follow standard uniform buffer layout rules: member 1...

These validation errors (below) appear during a crash induced by running the text demo and replacing the default shaders with the font shaders (a mistake). Commit hash `d824928316827fbdac5f64ce3c45fd53c6692331` on `feature/text`....

Discovered by @hobogenized. When running on Windows, the simulation pauses when window context is lost. However, a keyboard interrupt (in the shell) causes the simulation to resume. After resetting to...


I noticed weird errors when integrating with my project, tracked it down to the runtime compilation! When a schema is namespaced, it injects names like 'Example.Table' into the code, which...

Likely related to #19? I have noticed for awhile that occasionally my app hangs in debug mode at exit (and never closes). I did some digging. This also occurs in...

Unnecessary, but useful for new devs