Ace Green

Results 23 comments of Ace Green

Hey @liuxuan30 this looks awesome, any ETA on this?

@liuxuan30 no worries, there is another solution that worked out nicely #1917

@richwagner I'm working of your implementation but tried modified it so that we just provide an [Int] ![Screen Shot 2020-03-10 at 8 29 30 AM]( ``` public override func renderGridAreas(context:...

@andreamazz this is still an issue. In my case I show and hide the navigationBar during viewWillAppear() which might be causing this. Also doesnt happen when you hit the back...

Hello, First off great library. I wanted to add a point to this issue. A demo of the different setups in a tableView is great and makes sense but It...

Haven't test this but give it a try If it works, I'll create a new PR

On a similar note, the drawLabel doesn't align center to the indicators. I'm looking into creating a PR for both issues once I figure out a better way. I want...

:+1: with Interface Builder #79

I didn't have time to look into this, but thought someone might have run into this before. Seems odd