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Monotone, 8×8px fill patterns


1 bit per pixel (monotone)
8×8 pixels (8 bytes)
Repeating tile fill patterns


Work in progress ~ a collection of 'retro' fill patterns. Lovingly crafted and translated to convenient code snippets. Please keep the pixel gnomes fed with a star! ⭐️


01 – Dither

02 – Dots

03 – Dashes

04 – Lines

05 – Waves

06 – Grid

07 – Checked

08 – Rectilinear

09 – Radial

10 – Round

11 – Woven

12 – Architecture

13 – Nature

14 – Symbols

15 – Other


Inspired by studying software from the mid 1980's, to video games of the early 1990's. Influenced by the wonderful pixel artists of today. All artwork is drawn tabula rasa. Please let me know if any designs resemble the work of others.

Artwork and files created using ABSpriteEditor. Patterns tested and refined using ASE, bitsy and Pulp. Data tweaking in LibreOffice. Image wrangling with ImageMagick, compressed with OptiPNG and pngslim, and metadata added with ExifTool.

Special thanks to @castpixel, @dw817, @felipemanga, @gingerbeardman, @javl, @le-doux, @lexaloffle, @MrBlinky, @Pharap, @pmwasson, @scotthall92, @TPS.


Produced by Andrew C.E. Dent and dedicated to the Public Domain (CC0 – free to use). Giving attribution is not required but always appreciated! Please read the separate LICENSE file.

All trademarks are the property of their respective owners.
Arduboy® is a registered trademark of Arduboy, Inc., USA.
Bitsy is produced by Adam Le Doux.
GAMBY was produced by Logicalzero (David Stokes).
LibreOffice is a trademark of The Document Foundation.
PICO-8 and Picotron are trademarks of Lexaloffle Games LLP.
Playdate® and Pulp are trademarks of Panic Inc., USA.
Thumby is a trademark of AkroSense LLC, USA / TinyCircuits.