Andrea Carpignani
Andrea Carpignani
Hi Julia, sorry for asking. I was trying to redo the following with tidyverse: beer_models % mutate( model = map(splits, ~ lm(sugar_and_syrups ~ 0 + malt_and_malt_products, data = .)), coef_info...
@juliasilge thank you very much! I think I got really stuck wanting at all costs to build the `beer_models` with the `mutate` and `map` functions. Eventually, the `fit_resample` function does...
Hi Julia, thank you ever so much for your videos. I am following along your videos and learning so much. This one connecting to spotify is an extensive source of...
@juliasilge thank you ever so much for replying. For some reason, if I put `library(spotifyr)` before `library(tidymodels)` it works perfectly as usual, but if I only follow your step, it...
@juliasilge, thank you so much. Will certainly do it. Thank you for the advice, and thank you so very much for the videos you have made: I am following along...
Hi @juliasilge, sorry for asking. Is it possible that the package `vip` has changed some specifications from 2020 to 2023? I have done exactly the same steps that you have...
Thank you ever so much, @juliasilge. It must be because of that. Shame because now it comes out that the importance bar charts give me now much less variables, most...
This is probably a much easier screencast, with respect to others, but it is very interesting and highly pedagogical. I will use this dataset, and the ideas you taught me...