
Results 5 issues of abyssox

Currently using v1.0.9. (Don't know if its relevant: Contact+ v1.0.5). Everytime i visit the Calendar page or refresh the page, i get one more Birhdays Calendar item. ![2015-09-05__07_44_23](https://cloud.githubusercontent.com/assets/4539953/9697908/612e0d5e-53a2-11e5-90c6-1aaed74062ea.png) ## ---...

in progress

Please make the current today highlight color more visible. Like #FFC2D3 or similar: ![2015_08_27-08_29_32](https://cloud.githubusercontent.com/assets/4539953/9513961/0ef54f60-4c96-11e5-9a4d-f38276a32f85.png) ## --- Want to back this issue? **[Post a bounty on it!](https://www.bountysource.com/issues/26231255-make-today-highlight-color-more-visible?utm_campaign=plugin&utm_content=tracker%2F19394737&utm_medium=issues&utm_source=github)** We accept bounties via...


Hi, just want to know if anybody knows what's going on with libasys and the development of calendarplus/contactplus etc?!? His last activity on Github was nearly 2 Months ago! regards...

With the latest version 1.10.0 the displayed ip address in the url (in my case is wrong: ![image](https://github.com/mifi/ezshare/assets/4539953/2c4746f5-2a7d-46e3-a877-6c116e541e77) Correct ip address should be ![image](https://github.com/mifi/ezshare/assets/4539953/211c4e98-24b0-4a62-a26c-74cd61f1a15e)

Hi, since OC upgrade on 8.2.1 the app doesn't work anylonger. ``` Exception: { "Exception":"Doctrine\\DBAL\\Exception\\NotNullConstraintViolationException", "Message": "An exception occurred while executing 'INSERT INTO oc_shorten (uid, shortcode, url) VALUES (?,?,?)' with...