Hello, please advice me, how to use page on next scenario: I have a part in my app that uses master-detail layout. Master widget displays an list, detail widget displays...
1) add JSONKit 2) Change "start" method in ReviewDownloadManager.m to ``` objective-c - (void)start { backgroundTaskID = [[UIApplication sharedApplication] beginBackgroundTaskWithExpirationHandler:nil]; NSString *productID = _product.productID; NSString *URLString = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"https://itunes.apple.com/%@/rss/customerreviews/id=%@/sortBy=mostRecent/json", country,...
Hi, Autokit app has "Software and Hardware decoding method" in settins. By default it sewts 25 fps for software method, and up to 60 fps for hardware, what does it...
Hi, is multitouch actually works? I tried in Maps app, but it works like single touch.
Hi, for some reason video not playing from node app on my car Head Unit browser. Is it possible to stream it as sequense of images, that can be rendered...