
Results 57 issues of abubelinha

I think this is a mix of #125 (unsorting, which I successfully implemented, but in a simple non-nested way) and #107 (nested divs, but much simpler than my example). In...

I have this in my original .html document: ``` Some experiments: Let's link Github Let's link a local pdf ``` Both links work when opening the .html file. Then I...

feature request

Test run on Python 3.8, Windows 7: - I took 4 arbitrary page numbers (pages 4,6,8,9). - For each of the benchmark listed pdf files I extracted those pages from...


Sorry for the absolute-newbie question. This is just about interpretation of image-validator output, but let me explain (you might have suggestions for solving my real problem connecting a particular IIIF...

Very nice pdf plots !! But I am having a little problem to reproduce them. When I run script _fisher_crawford.r_ in Rstudio (and also if I run it from R...

I am having a hard time trying to understand if there is a way to use orphilia to substitute the Dropbox client typical usage: keep the full local Dropbox folder...

Current caching system is only writing to disk when the script finishes. That could be improved (perhaps as an user-option) for some use cases under unreliable network connections: I just...

Hello I am planning to use gnfinder to process a column from a table with about 2500 rows. - In first column I have an identifier from a museum specimen...

Sorry I don't understand a word about how the Bayes / Odds options work in this context. So I need to figure out what's the best way to go to...

https://apidoc.globalnames.org/gnames-beta That URL is not working, but is supposed to be the access point to new API v0 linked here: https://globalnames.org/news/2021/12/12/gnverifier-0.6.2/ > GNverifier’s [API v1](https://apidoc.globalnames.org/gnames) still can be used (it...