Bodor Laszlo
Bodor Laszlo
LGTM, only a minor nit
> Hi, there are some possibly related stuff that came into my mind: > > Do we need to change some configuration files as well? My first guess is data/conf/hive-site.xml....
> I have complied hive with this PR, built a docker image using docker compose with postgres and tested out a few queries, everything worked fine. thanks a lot!!
thanks a lot, @SourabhBadhya for the review, good catches, I addressed all your comments in
> LGTM +1 (pending tests) thanks @simhadri-g let me wait for @SourabhBadhya if he has any comments, objections
> I have concerns about making hive-exec to depend on standalone-metastore, for two reasons: Firstly, we already too complex module dependencies in the project. It just makes it more complex....
let me create jira for this
tests seem to be in progress:
800+ failures, which seems unlikely, starting a new PR from a different branch for clarity's sake:
this has been taken care of by