
Results 8 comments of Alexander

This mixin should use Faker library to generate some, say, fake users. It can be used to fill DB with fake data or in unit tests

Hi @omrihar ! I believe in your case you can just use `wn = WithName(name='Omri'); session.add(wn); session.commit()` . It seems `sqlalchemy_utils.i18n` has some magic not compatible with `sqlalchemy_mixins`. Anyway, I...

Hi guys. Sorry, but I dont have time to work on the project. Any PR fixing this issue is welcomed.

@michaelbukachi added you as a collaborator. Also provide please your PyPi nickname so I will add you there

@michaelbukachi , added you on PyPi

@myusko yes, definitely! If you want, I can add you as a collaborator on Github and PyPi

@myusko , added you on Github and Pypi (myusko as well, right?)

Hi Fred! Thank you for your contribution to the code! Would you mind creating a PR to the original repo? On Tue, Oct 20, 2020 at 1:25 PM Fred Ludlow...