
Results 34 comments of abrock

I have a large project (I can not share it) and I found a file where cppclean stops with an exception: > ../cppclean/cppclean cppclean-error.cpp > cppclean-error.cpp: parsing error: unexpected token:...

Thank you for the information. I tried to add the functionality I'd like to the `SavePointsAndIndexMapping` function but FeatureDetectorTaggedPattern::GetCorners is not static and I couldn't figure out where to get...

I stumbled over the same problem, I do camera calibration with millions of markers and my calibration results get written just fine but I can't read them. I implemented a...

> USDX would need to try all variations of lower/upper-case for each character in the file name which is a huge performance impact. No, it would only need to convert...

I also have a RX10M3 and for me it behaves like that: It lets me choose near and far focus, then it does the countdown and afterwards moves the focus...


There seems to be issues with UDP on RaspberryPi 4: https://www.raspberrypi.org/forums/viewtopic.php?t=264106 I'll test that later, but first I tried a different camera (Baumer VLXT-123C.I) and found that packet resend works...

I configured my laptop to randomly drop 2% of all incoming packages like this: `sudo iptables -A INPUT -m statistic --mode random --probability 0.02 -j DROP` And I ran the...

Here is the capture of a single buffer using Aravis under the same conditions: [aravis-16-resends-loss2.zip](https://github.com/AravisProject/aravis/files/5466455/aravis-16-resends-loss2.zip) The camera reported receiving 16 resend-requests, none of them "unavailable". The count matches the requests...

Yes, here: [aravis-with-init.zip](https://github.com/AravisProject/aravis/files/5467304/aravis-with-init.zip) I disabled my own logging and added arv_debug_enable("all:3"); at the start of the program, but in previous tests I've seen that the camera says "I got 100...