Adrian Brightmoore
Adrian Brightmoore
## Bug Report Amulet truncates world chunks using Bedrock 1.18 and 1.19 support for custom heights within the range y=-512 to y=511 ### Current Behaviour: Amulet ignores blocks set above...
#### Description of Issue: Chunks with negative chunk coordinates don't persist edited biome information. #### MCEdit Version: Verified on 1.6.18-Testing #### Minecraft Version the world was last opened in: Bedrock...
**Steps to Reproduce** Pre-generate chunks for a world 640 x 6000 blocks. Switch to Chunk View. Wait for rendering to complete. Memory usage exceeds allocations in MCEdit options and Windows...
## Bug Report World conversion Java --> Bedrock completes without error, only some chunks convert into the target world. Trimming the region folder to just a few regions and testing...
## Feature Request ### The Problem The blue default skybox in 3D Editor makes visibility of selection box cues like the 16x chunk marker line difficult to see. Look at...
Verified on v1.6.0.18 with Java world from 1.12.2 game After editting for a long time using fill/replace tool, the block selection tool shows duplicate entries and becomes very slow. See...
I just tried to move Player in and it crashed: ```Exception TypeError: TypeError("No array-type handler for type (value: 10941) registered",) in ignored Exception TypeError: TypeError("No array-type handler for type...
Download Flat World with Packs option is set up for normal world (not flat) world generation. 
### Detailed description of your suggestion Using the item, entity, and block wizards for Bedrock there is an option to create a BP/RP pair. The BP has dependencies set to...