Roland Abregorivas
Roland Abregorivas
### General This is a moderate security warning. Braces library is not a core library to the project it is being used by another npm package. Need to review if...
Need to add typescript to both [ ] node/backend [ ] React front/end
Note: This will have to wait until we get more clarification ## Question 1. What is the “forgot password” flow/how will that work? 2. How will new signups be handled?...
# Acceptance Criteria ## QUESTIONS - [ ] Determine which fields need filtering - [ ] Determine which fields need sorting - [ ] Should have option to show closed...
- [x] what hosting service should be used? Heroku - [ ] should we separate server side to diff service like AWS ec2 and front end to netlify or s3...
# Acceptance Criteria - [ ] Clicking the button exports a csv file - [ ] The exported file matches the existing data format of the client - [ ]...