Alexandar Bozhinov
Alexandar Bozhinov
Hi, Does anyone have a solution?
I have Request & Command Listeners. For that reason when first sending a request and then using AdminFactory everything works. public static function getSubscribedEvents(): array { return [ KernelEvents::REQUEST =>...
I'm not sure exactly what's happened. After sending the request and all Events are triggered the AdminFactory use the same instances of these classes and for this reason, everything works....
Hi, do you have some success with wilcard certs?
Hi, the problem was related to the cache folder where save all certs. You should delete the cache folder every day.
Because auto-ssl continue to serve them from the cache folder. You need to make something like cronjob that will empty this folder every day or something like that. We have...
The problem is not in the CACHE folder :) the problem is in the Redis. Nginx uses the old cert because we still have them in the REDIS.
Hi, I have errors when use Enum with ChoiceField. Entity implementation: Controller: yield ChoiceField::new('weight.unit', new TranslatableMessage('weight.unit.label')) ->setColumns('form-field--small'); Before this last release I've used it like that: yield ChoiceField::new('weight.unit', new TranslatableMessage('weight.unit.label'))...
There is no point to use Enum and return string. I think the best will be to adapt ChoiceField to use EnumType.
@javiereguiluz the issue is that ChoiceType can't convert Enum to String. I think we should create new EnumField to move the logic from ChoiceField to the new field type.