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Minimal Python IDE for GNU Emacs
Hello, It'd be nice to have release tags, for downstream distributions such as GNU Guix. Currently we take a snapshot of the latest master branch (commit) some times, but that...
Whenever I get a traceback, I don't get any helpful information. I always get the error referring to the first line: ``` Traceback (most recent call last): File "", line...
For example: while True: try: n = input("Please enter an integer: ") n = int(n) break except ValueError: print("No valid integer! Please try again ...") print("Great, you successfully entered an...
When calling pspecial-lispy-eval in certain places (variable assignment within functions), I get the following: ``` NameError: name ’lp’ is not defined Traceback (most recent call last): File "", line 19,...
For instance, when writing a date "XX-YY-ZZ" spaces will be added after typing '-', which is unexpected since Python formatting rules do not apply to the string itself.
How would I configure such that parentheses are always balanced and behave like in lispy? Does lispy employ a separate package to do this? I don’t want to enable lispy...
I love lispy and use it every day, and would love to try lpy. But I have encountered a problem that I don't know quite how to debug myself. None...
This is a feature request. For instance, ``` # #+begin_example # => ... # #+end_example ``` which would allow outorg to export the results in html or other formats nicely....
Handy feature request (to extend "C" that cleans up the entire buffer)
I found goto definition requires semantic-directory.el, there are many overlap in functionalities in many packages. Anaconda-mode is a small and quite nice package.